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4th International Workshop on New Forms of Reasoning for the Semantic Web: Scalable & Dynamic
May 31st, 2010
Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Collocated with the 7th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2010)
Objectives | Topic Of Interest | Event Information | Submissions | Program |
Proceeedings | Important Dates | Workshop Chairs | Program Committee | Â |
Initiatives like Linked Open Data have resulted in a rapid growth of the Web of data, and this growth is expected to continue. While impressive progress has been made in recent years in scalable storing, querying, and reasoning with languages like RDFS and OWL, existing reasoning techniques fail to perform when applied at Web-scale, due to the quantities of instance data, expressiveness of the ontologies, or the inherent inconsistency and incompleteness of data on the Web.
These problems of scale are increasingly compounded by the appearance of highly dynamic data streams. Data streams occur in modern applications such as traffic engineering, applications of RFID tags, telecom call recording, medical record management, financial applications, and clickstreams. On the Web, many sites distribute and present information in real-time streams of semi-structured text. In many of these application areas, the ability to perform complex reasoning tasks that combine streaming information (both data and text) with background knowledge would be of great benefit. Stream reasoning is a new multidisciplinary approach for semantically processing high-frequency high-volume streams of information in combination with rich background knowledge.
This workshop is a joint continuation of earlier successful workshop on scalable and dynamic reasoning for the Semantic Web, NeFoRS’07, NeFoRS’08, and SR’09.
We welcome all research contributions that address one or more of the following topics:
- scalable reasoning for the Web
- web scale querying and searching
- reasoning with inconsistent ontologies
- stream reasoning in the Semantic Web
- efficient storage of structured data that scale to a very large size
- reasoning with large, expressive or distributed ontologies
- theory for stream reasoning
- management of semantic streams
- reasoning on streams
- semantic analysis of text streams
- on-line learning from streams
- distribution and parallelization for semantic streams
- cognitively-inspired approaches to deal with large and dynamic information
- implementation and evaluation of scalable and dynamic reasoners
- applications of reasoning on large and dynamic datasets
The workshop will take place during the 7th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2010) as a full-day event.
Please note that for every accepted paper at least one of the authors must attend the workshop and must register for the workshop and the main conference. Submission of a paper is not required for attendance at the workshop. However, in the event that the workshop cannot accommodate all who would like to participate, those who have submitted a paper will be given priority.
The workshop invites full papers (up to 15 pages) as well as short papers (up to 5 pages). Submissions should be formatted according to the Lecture Notes in Computer Science guidelines for proceedings available at Papers should be submitted in PDF format.
Furthermore papers need to be submitted electronically through the EasyChair system using the following link:
At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the workshop. Information about registration will appear soon on the ESWC 2009 Web page.
The Workshop Proceedings will been published as CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Paper submission: March 8, 2010
- Notification of acceptance or rejection: April 13, 2010
- Camera ready version due: April 27, 2010
- Stefano Ceri, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Emanuele Della Valle, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Jim Hendler, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
- Zhisheng Huang, Free University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- Daniele Braga, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Irene Celino, CEFRIEL, Italy
- Marko Grobelnik, Josef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
- Michael Grossniklaus, Politecnico di Milano, Italy and ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- Pascal Hitzler, Wright State University, Ohio, USA
- Mihai Lupu, Information Retrieval Facility, Austria
- Marko Luther, DOCOMO Research Labs, Munich, Germany
- Vassil Momtchev, Ontotext, Bulgaria
- Jose Quesada, Max Planck Institute, Germany
- Angus Roberts, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
- Magnus Sahlgren, SICS, Sweden
- Anne Schlicht, University of Mannheim, Germany
- Stefan Schlobach, Free University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- Lael Schooler, Max Planck Institute, Germany
- Volker Tresp, SIEMENS, Germany
- Giovanni Tummarello, DERI, Ireland
- Michael Witbrock, Cyc Europe